We are OPEN all week. As the weather is very hot, please ensure your children:
-Are covered in sunscreen, before they come to school & wear a hat
-Wear loose fitting light clothes (no joggers) & carry water while coming to and from school
- On Monday 18th & Tuesday 19th July the school will finish school at 1.45pm so that children will be at home during the greatest heat of the day. However, we will remain open for families who require us to, as they are working. Please come to the usual playgrounds to collect your children at 1.45pm, we will only be outside for 10 mins, (or less).
-We will finish at normal time on Wednesday, and the rest of the week.
-If you decide not to send your child to school on these days, please access our online learning (www.northburyprimaryschool)
-Staff will be flexible about lesson delivery and will use their discretion as to when pauses within lessons need to be taken for everyone to take a break and have plenty to drink
We will have lunchtime inside, be providing calming activities through the day, and have no outdoor P.E or games on Monday & Tuesday.
Children have access to water in the classes, and we may move our Yr 5 & 6 children into halls/ other spaces as these are the hottest classes.