Year 1
Welcome to the Year 1 class year group page. On this page, you will find out what we are getting up to as well as important information and websites you may find useful.
Meet Our Team
1B | 1D | 1M | 1Z |
Miss Barrington (YGL) Supported by: Mrs Zaman | Mrs Dhaliwal Supported by: Miss Crosby | Mrs Malick Supported by: Miss Rahman | Miss Zaverchand Supported by: Mrs Bansal |
Reading Books and Homework
At Northbury we want children to develop a 'love of reading'. To maximise our pupil reading opportunities we have the following in place to encourage pupils to read:
Monday - weekly changing of 'RWI book bag book'
Monday and Friday - weekly changing of 'banded reading book'
Thursday/Friday - Library book's are changed fortnightly depending on your child's library visit day.
BUG CLUB - Your child can access a range of texts linked to their reading ability at any time via Bug Club. Please see your child's class teacher if you need support accessing this platform.
We have given your child a 'reading diary' to help you track and comment on your child's reading at home. Please complete this at least once a week.
To ensure that books are kept in good condition we encourage you to use a school bookbag. Please note: if your child does not bring in their book bag they will be unable to take home or change their books.
Spellings for the week will be sent out on a Friday. This does not need to be returned, as pupils will be assessed in school.
Your child can also access TTRS and Numbots at home to help with their times tables and number skills. These logins will be stuck inside your child's school reading record to help keep them safe.
PE Days and Expectations
Pupils must come dressed in weather appropriate PE kits e.g., black/blue joggers/leggings and navy-blue jumper/fleece on the following days:
1B and 1D - Every Wednesday 1M and 1Z - Every Tuesday
Please remember that children must wear their normal school uniform on non-PE days. Please note that pupils must not wear any jewellery to school.
Our Learning
You can find out what we will be learning throughout the course of the year by clicking the link below:
An overview of all the topics being covered throughout the school year.
Learning at Home
Access all of the online learning for your child below.