Home Learning
This document sets out our approach to homework. It was developed as a result of discussions between staff, governors and parents.
We believe that partnership between parents and teachers is the most effective way of improving children's learning.
Teachers set Home Learning through Mathletics (Years 1-4), Timestable Rockstars, Bug Club, using remote learning and Home learning challenge mats. These can be found on the Class Pages. Links to useful websites that will assist your child's learning can also be found on Class Pages.
Why do we do homework?
- to raise pupils' attainment
- to reinforce and revise work done in class
- to carry out fixed programmes of work
- to extend learning
- to encourage independent learning
- to keep parents informed about work done in school and their children's progress.
What types of homework?
- reading; character studies; comprehensions; story writing; spellings; book reviews
- maths: studying timetables; mental calculations; problem solving
- SATs revision
- completing work started at school
- carrying out research in history, geography and science
How much time per day?
Years 3 & 4: about 20 to 30 minutes per day
Year 5: about 30 to 45 minutes per day
Year 6: about one hour per day
The school will:
- provide pupils with weekly tasks to complete at home;
- keep parents informed of work done in class through termly newsletters and parents' evenings;
- provide parents with a list of recommended books and activities for homework;
- run Booster classes (Year 6)
How parents can help:
- ensure that your child completes the homework and returns the work on the correct day;
- share a book with your child each day;
- sit with your child and talk about what s/he is doing - offer help and support;
- ensure that books are returned to school each day;
- purchase books, CDs, charts and other materials that will help your child extend his/her learning.