Spring 1: Amazing Amazon
Amazing Amazon
The Year 6 team would like to start by saying a big welcome back to you all. We hope you enjoyed your break and had a good time celebrating Christmas and New Year. Spring term is an important one, as this term we consolidate some of the things we were working on during the Autumn term. The theme, in year 6, for this half term is “Amazing Amazon”.
In English this half term, year 6 are reading the book “Journey to the River Sea”. It follows the adventures of an orphan girl called Maia, who is sent to Brazil to live with long lost relatives. As Maia gets to know the land, she meets a boy who lives alone on the shores of the Amazon river and unravels a mystery, spanning from England and back. Using this text, year 6 will be creating their own writing, including: a formal letter, a comparative piece and a one sided argument.
With a focus on all pupils achieving mastery in mathematics, the first few weeks will cover decimals and percentages – comparing, converting and solving calculations and problems. We will move on to use of basic algebra before half term. Children will continue to develop their reasoning and problem-solving skills while exploring efficient methods. All pupils must have quick and fluent recall of times tables and related division facts to 12x12. We encourage pupils to access Times Tables Rock stars, at least 5 times a week, to practice their multiplication and division skills.
Foundation subjects
In Topic, we are focusing on the Amazing Amazon Rainforest, in particular the vast river (known as the river sea) that runs through the dense jungle. We will explore the wonders and beauty the Amazon has to offer, as well as learning how to survive in the wilderness.
In science we will be studying the life cycles and habitats of animals and humans; studying the different climates that these animals can be found and how they have adapted to suit their surroundings.
In PSHE, we are discussing our dreams for the future and setting personal goals to achieve. We are continuing to focus on our well-being by completing a variety of calming tasks and learning about our rights through Rights Respecting, we will be covering different articles each week as a regular set of learning activities which will be centred on a specific article for children to learn and understand.
Homework mat
Check out our half-term homework mat, try and complete some of the activities at home.