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Northbury Primary School

Northbury Primary School

Achieve and enjoy together

Autumn 2: Crime, Punishment and the Executioner

Crime and Punishment


The theme, in year 6, for this half term is “Crime and Punishment”, looking at crimes and punishments through time. 


This half term in English, Year 6 are reading Holes by Louis Sachar, linked to the theme “Crime and Punishment,” . Inspired by the text, students will write an informal letter, a report, and a newspaper article. In Maths, quick recall of times tables up to 12x12 is essential, there will be a focus on fractions, decimals and percentages in both arithmetic and reasoning formats.


In foundation subjects, students are studying crime and punishment through History lessons; exploring street art and graffiti inspired by Banksy in Art; and learning about body health, including diet, exercise, and drug awareness in Science. In Computing, students will be exploring coding through Scratch. PE focuses this half term are hockey and dance, while PSHE promotes acceptance, well-being, and anti-bullying, linked to Rights Respecting articles 2, 12, and 19.



Our Visit to the Tower of London 
