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Northbury Primary School

Northbury Primary School

Achieve and enjoy together

Spring 2

A Great British Tea Party


To end their 'Lovely London' topic, the children in Year 1 got to have a tea party. The children wrote a set of instructions on how to make a jam sandwich in their English lessons before using these to steps to create their sandwich. All the children were very excited about this and followed the steps correctly. 

To end, we played some traditional party games like musical statues, dance and sing along and pass the parcel.


Lovely London


In DT the children had to design a bus fit for a King or Queen to travel in for their royal duties. The children looked at the mechanisms of a moving vehicle and then created their own bus. They worked in pairs to come up with a suitable design for the royals and then worked together to create the bus.


World Book Day


On Friday 8th March, Northbury celebrated World Book Day in style! The children can dressed as their favourite book character and had lots of fun throughout the day. 

They were even treated to a fantastic story telling workshop lead by author, Puneet Bhundal.
