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Northbury Primary School

Northbury Primary School

Achieve and enjoy together

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4

Meet the Team


4M/YGL-Miss McGeown

4A-Mr Ahmed

4Z-Miss Mabrouk


LSAs- Mrs Shaibu & Ms Sikander

Autumn 1

 Amazing Africa


English: formal and informal letters and information texts

Maths: Number, place value and Measurement

Science: Living Things and their Habitats

Geography: Volcanoes in Rwanda

DT: African stitch patterns

Computing: Computing Systems and Networks

PSHE: Being Me in the World

RE: How and why do Hindus worship in the home and in the Mandir?




 Year 4 will be filled with enjoyable and exciting learning experiences. Be ready to have a positive attitude, a growth mindset and to always try your best! 



Important information

 We expect every child to wear our school uniform every day. 


Children MUST wear a P.E kit on days their class has PE. All jewellery must be removed.




Tuesday & Thursday


Swimming on Monday 




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