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Northbury Primary School

Northbury Primary School

Achieve and enjoy together

Brazil - Year 2

Our partner school in Brazil, sharing some yummy chocolates they have in their country as part of Year 2’s learning on South American countries and researching where Cocoa beans are produced.

  • This is called brigadeiro. It’s SUPER famous here. It’s just condensed milk, butter and powdered chocolate mixed together and rolled into little balls with sprinkled, and it’s absolutely delicious. One of our main national desserts. It’s often served at kids’ birthday parties along with the cake, and basically every Brazilian has a strong opinion about what’s the best way to do it. Legend has it that it was created by a wife whose husband was a brigadier in the army, hence the name. 
  • These are some other Brazilian chocolates. I personally love “sonho de valsa” (a waltz’ dream) and “diamante negro” (black diamond) 
  • Brazil is the land of sugar, so our sweets are often veeeery sweet. Along with the Portuguese influence of using a lot of eggs in their deserts, Brazilian sweets are definetly not for everyone! We also have a lot of nuts here in Brazil, which are often incorporated into our sweets

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