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Northbury Primary School

Northbury Primary School

Achieve and enjoy together

Year 6

SATs Timetable 2024

The Key Stage 2 tests are timetabled from Monday 13th May to Thursday 16th May 2024.


Test Paper

Monday 13th

May 2024

English: Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling

Paper 1: GPS 45 minutes; 50 marks

Paper 2: Spelling 30 minutes; 20 marks

Tuesday 14th

May 2024

English: Reading

60 minutes; 50 marks

Wednesday 15th May 2024

Mathematics papers

Paper 1: Arithmetic 30 minutes; 40 marks
Paper 2: Reasoning 40 minutes; 35 marks

Thursday 16th May 2024

Mathematics papers
Paper 3: Reasoning 40 minutes; 35 marks


Welcome to Year 6! 

Undoubtedly, your last year of Primary School is the very best, and we have so much to look forward to this year! This year we will be covering exciting topics such as ‘Tropical Rain’, ‘Pump It Up!’ and ‘The Dragon's Den!’, as well as lots of other challenging and exciting work across the curriculum. During the Spring term, we will be helping you to prepare for your SATs. Every member of staff is here to help you to get the very best out of Year 6. We can’t wait to see what this year brings.


Remember, it is really important to be at school every day, on time and ready to learn.

Meet the team!


6M: Miss Moughal (Year Group Leader)

6K: Mrs KoukevaKhan

6P: Miss Pennington

6A: Mrs Akther

Supported by: Mr Kassim and Mrs Raja


Our Amazing Work


Watch this space for some of the amazing work we will be producing each term!

Our curriculum 


PE Days and Expectations


6A/6P: Wednesday 

6K/6M: Thursday


Pupils are expected to come into school wearing appropriate PE kits on their PE days ONLY. As the weather is getting colder, please make sure your child/children have the appropriate clothing for PE outside e.g., black/blue joggers/leggings and navy-blue jumper/fleece. 


Football t-shirts or t-shirts with logos are NOT allowed.







Please remember that children must wear their normal school uniform on non-PE days.


Please note that pupils must not wear jewellery to school.


Home Work


Please use the online platforms, such as ActiveLearn and TTRS to complete additional activities at home. Please also see below for weekly spelling and any other additional work 


SATs Parent Meeting January 2024

Important Websites


Use the log in your teacher gave you to access the websites below so you can continue learning from home.
