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Northbury Primary School

Northbury Primary School

Achieve and enjoy together

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!

On this page, you will find links to our home learning pages as well as other websites you may find useful.


We will be displaying some of the exciting learning that has taken place in Year 5. Please keep an eye on this page for more throughout the year.

Meet the team

5C-Miss Clarke (YGL)

5M-Mr Malick

5P - Miss Miansiantima

5O-Miss Omar

Supported by Mrs Shah and Miss Kaur

Learning in Autumn 1 24-25


Our topic this half term is Back to Africa. Look below for the learning that will take place.


Other Useful Information:


PE lessons:   


Class 5C - Monday and Friday

Class 5O - Monday and Friday

 Class 5M - Monday and Wednesday

Class 5P - Monday and Wednesday


Please ensure that your child wears the correct PE kit in school on the correct days. 




Pupils are expected to read daily for 15 - 20 minutes and write a comment in their Reading Record. Reading Records should be brought to school every day and they will be checked once a week. Children can also read books on Bug Club and can comment on these in their reading diaries.




Spellings are given out every Friday and pupils will be tested on them on the following Friday.

Space VR Workshop

Fire Safety Workshop

Globe Theatre Visit

Important Websites

Use the log in your teacher gave you to access the websites below so you can continue learning from home.

Other Useful Websites
