Year 2
Welcome to the Year 2 page!
Year 2 marks the final year of KS1, and it is a year filled with fun, excitement, and busyness. Your child will have the opportunity to learn a lot and participate in various exciting activities connected to our six themes: 'Don’t Stop Believing,' 'Monkey Magic,' 'Leaders and Dreamers,' 'London's Burning,' 'Mmm...Chocolate!' and 'Wonderful World'. This page will give you valuable information about your child's learning and important updates.
Meet our team
2R: Mrs Rumee (YGL) supported by Mrs Saeed
2C: Miss Cooper supported by Mrs Brown
2L: Mr Littlewood supported by Mrs Adams
2S: Mrs St Hill supported by Miss Suzuki
Our amazing work
Photos of our educational visits and workshops
Iroko Theatre Company

Our curriculum
Useful information
Times Table
By the end of year 2, all children are expected to recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables.
| Spellings
Spellings are given out every Friday and the children will be tested on them the following Friday. | Reading
Children are expected to read for 15-20 minutes daily. Reading diaries will be checked weekly, and books will be changed regularly. Children can also read books on Bug Club and record their comments in their reading diaries. |
PE Days and Expectations
2R: Monday
2C/2L: Tuesday
2S: Wednesday
Pupils are expected to come into school wearing appropriate PE kits on their PE days. As the weather is getting colder, please ensure your child/children have the appropriate clothing for PE outside e.g., black/blue joggers/leggings and navy-blue jumper/fleece.
Football t-shirts or t-shirts with logos are NOT allowed.
Please remember that children must wear their normal school uniform on non-PE days.
Please note that pupils must not wear jewellery to school.