Return to school- Message from Mrs Roopra
Dear Parents & Carers
On Sunday you will have heard the Prime Minister stated that primary schools could reopen for children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and year 6 from the 1st June.
Further details are being released every day by the government. In the meantime we wanted to remind you that:
1. There is no change to the current arrangements: we are open for key worker families and vulnerable children only.
2. As soon as further details are released, we will work through how this may work for our school. We will be writing to you again shortly when we have further information to share.
The health, safety and wellbeing of our children, families and staff is our paramount concern. We would like to categorically reassure you that the decisions we make in the coming weeks will be guided by this primary consideration.
Many thanks
Mrs Roopra